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Τυφώνας IKE - Hurricane IKE

Τυφώνας Ike. Έχοντας επιπτώσεις σε διάφορες χώρες συμπεριλαμβανομένης της Κούβας, της Αϊτής, και των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών, ο Ike κατηγορείται για περίπου 114 θανάτους (74 στην Αϊτή μόνο). Πολλές κοινότητες των ακτών Galveston του Τέξας χάθηκαν από το χάρτη και από τους ανέμους.

In its brief lifespan of only 13 days, Hurricane Ike wreaked great deal of havoc. Affecting several countries including Cuba, Haiti, and the United States, Ike is blamed for approximately 114 deaths (74 in Haiti alone), and damages that are still being tallied, with estimates topping $10 billion. Many shoreline communities of Galveston, texas were wiped from the map by the winds, storm surge and the walls of debris pushed along by Ike - though Galveston was spared the level of disaster it suffered in 1900

Τυφώνας IKE - Hurricane IKE
Item Reviewed: Τυφώνας IKE - Hurricane IKE 9 out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.

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